Tsuikahô 390: On out-of-market sales

Translated by Lisa Kochinski

[Shōka era (1257–1259), 1 Renbutsu, 2 Mitsunari, 3 Gyōbutsu 4 ] Item: Regarding the prohibition in Kamakura of coerced out-of-market sales. 5 Order the magistrates to strictly restrain {this activity}.

Original Text 原文



一 可停止鎌倉中迎買事


Kundoku 訓読





Modern 現代語




  1. Supplementary Law 390 refers to a previous ban dating from the Shōka era.

  1. Renbutsu 蓮仏 was the monk name of Suwa Morishige 諏訪 盛重 (d.u., fl. mid 13th C). Morishige appears frequently in Azuma Kagami 吾妻鏡.

  1. Antō Mitsunari 安東光成 (d.u., fl. mid 13th C).

  1. Gyōbutsu 行仏 is a monastic name, but it is not clear from the text who exactly this person was.

  1. Mukaegai 迎買 refers to the practice of forcing someone to sell their merchandise before it reached the market.

Tsuikahô 388: On straw hats

Translated by Lisa Kochinski

Item: Regarding roaming around Kamakura while wearing straw hats {that hide the face}. 1

We have issued the same order prohibiting this before. However, it seems that the magistrates have been lax and have not enforced the ban. From now on, this prohibition should be strictly enforced.

Original Text 原文

一 着編笠横行鎌倉中事


Kundoku 訓読

一 編笠あみがさを着し鎌倉中を横行おうぎょうする事


Modern 現代語

一つ 顔をかくすわら帽子(or 菅笠 すげがさ)をかぶって、鎌倉中を勝手気ままに行き来することについて。

禁止すべきということは、この間同じくご命令があった。しかし、奉行人が怠けて, 禁止をしなかったのだろうか。今後は、この禁断は厳密(げんみつ)に禁止すべきである。

  1. Amigasa 編笠 is a type of straw hat with a broad brim that folds down and hides the face.

Tsuikahô 387: Regarding cowl-wearing

Item: Regarding cowl-wearing monks who roam within Kamakura

Order the precinct magistrates to prohibit this.

Original Text 原文

一 僧徒裹頭横行鎌倉中事


Kundoku 訓読

一 僧徒裹頭かとう、鎌倉中を横行する事  保の奉行人に仰せて、之を禁制せしむべし。

Modern 現代語訳

一 僧徒が袈裟で頭から顔を包んで、鎌倉中を勝手気ままに行き来することについて。


Tsuikahô 386: Regarding those who chant the nembutsu

Translated by Sachiko Kawai

Item: Regarding those who chant the Nembutsu

Those of firm Buddhist faith and strict practice 1 do not fall within the scope of the prohibition. However, everyone has heard about {nembutsu practitioners} who solicit women, act disorderly, eat fish and fowl, and frequently indulge in lavish banquets. Order the precinct magistrates to destroy any houses where this is taking place, and to expel those within them from Kamakura.

Original Text 原文

一 念仏者事


Kundoku 訓読

一 念仏者の事


Modern 現代語訳

一つ、 念仏を唱える人について 


  1. 道心堅固: Firm Buddhist faith and strict practice.

Tsuikahô 382-383: Regarding riding in litters within Kamakura

Translated by Christ Bovberg

 Articles of the Kanto New Laws (shinsei)


Item: Regarding riding in litters within Kamakura

This is completely prohibited. However, this restriction does not apply to royal intimates (tenjōbito) and those of higher rank, nor to monks.[note] Also, housemen over sixty will be exempted.

Item:  That commoners are prohibited from riding horses

The lower functionaries, officials, ox tenders, and laborers {of the shogunal residence}; the lower officials of the Board of Inquiry and Administrative Office; the lesser officials of the Board of Retainers; as well as the various craftsmen and merchants, are prohibited from riding horses within Kamakura without exception.

Original Text 原文



一 鎌倉中乗輿事


一 可停止凡下輩騎馬事



Kundoku 訓読



一 鎌倉中乗輿じょうよの事

一 切之を停止すべし。但し殿上人以上并びに僧侶は、制限にあらず。又御家人等と雖も、年六十以上は之を許すべし矣。

一 凡下ぼんげの輩の騎馬きばを停止すべき事


Modern 現代語訳


一つ 鎌倉中で輿に乗ることについて


一つ 一般人の馬に乗ることが禁止されることについて
