康和二年一一月二七日 Kōwa 2 {1100} 11.27
Translated by Lina Nie
The twenty-seventh day, tsuchinoto no ushi, the weather was sometimes clear and sometimes cloudy, and it rained a bit. Today I visited Kasuga Shrine. This ritual has seats set up for nobles on the south side of the eastern wing of the Higashi Sanjō and people sat facing each other. <The west was the premium orientation.> At the hour of tiger {3-5 am}, I put on everyday dress, and went to the south-wing extended porch to appreciate the treasure. Then I wore a formal dress. <It had red patterns on white cloth, and light colored trousers (sashinuki), with a sword.> I took a seat. I passed along the treasure and the dancers. The officials of palace guards followed the southern steps to come down. We passed the central gate, and took the carriage at the east gate. <We headed to the south from Sanjō gate. When we arrived at Karasuma we took a turn to the south and took another turn to the east at Sanjō. We arrived at Gojō via Toin, and came out from Made no Kōji.> Those who accompanied us included senior counselor of the state, second rank middle counselor, intendent of left palace guard, controller of the right, controller of the left, minister of the treasury. In front of tennō {were} <Junior Controller of the Right Toshinobu, Junior Counselor Kanefuji, low ranking secretary Suketoshi, Secretary Toshinaka.> Royal intimates {were} <such as minister of the treasury Senior Captain of the Left Palace Guard Iemasa. Officials with rank but no posts include Arikata, Junior Captain of the Right Palace Guard Morotoki and so on. The attendants included Morochika, Commissioner of Civil Affairs Yukinobu, Motokane, junior palace official Minamoto no Korekane. They all wore abbreviated court dress.> The officials were about fifty people. <The fourth and fifth rank officials wore abbreviated court ensemble and some people of sixth ranks wore revealed robes.>
Original Text 原文
廿七日、己丑、天晴陰、時々少雨、今日参詣春日、其儀東三條東對南面設公卿座、西上対座、寅剋着直衣、於同南廣廂覽神寶 次着衣冠、 〈紅打出白衣、 薄色指貫、野釼〉 着座、 渡神寶、 舞人等、 〈近衛官人〉、 次從同南階下、 經中門、 於東門乘車 、南行自三條坊門至烏丸南折、 至三條東折、 從洞院至五條 、出万里小路、 相從公卿權大納言、 二位中納言 左兵衛督 、右大弁、 左大弁、 大藏卿、 御前、 〈右少弁俊信、 少納言懷季、大夫史佑俊、 外記仲俊 前驅殿上人 、〈藏人頭左近權中將家政朝臣 散位有賢朝臣 右近權少將師時々々〉 侍從師親朝臣 民卩大輔行信 民卩大輔基兼 藏人中宮少進 源惟兼 各衣冠出衣〉 諸大夫五十餘人、 〈四位五位各布绔 、六位或出衣〉
] 廿七日、