Tsuikahô 309: Regarding the strict prohibition against kidnappers and selling people

Translated by Kaitlin Forgash

Regarding the strict prohibition 1 against kidnappers and selling people

As for the aforementioned people, they shall be punished in accordance with the original royal law. 2 It is said that there are many of these human traffickers in Kamakura and the markets of the various provinces. Henceforth, in Kamakura the precinct magistrates are ordered, in compliance with the register of names reported to Kamakura, to exile {these people}. In the various provinces, order the military governors to punish {the above offenders}.

Background Information: The strict prohibition was possibly from the Kenchô era.

Original Text 原文
一 可禁断勾引人并人売事



Kundoku 訓読

一 勾引人こういんにん并びに人売を禁断きんだんすべく事[建長けんちょう年中]


Modern 現代語訳

ー 誘拐(ゆうかい)と人を売ることを禁止することについて


  1. 禁断(きんだん)kindan = strictly forbidden. Nihon kokugo daijiten.

  1. The original law was promulgated by the royal court.

Tsuikahô 305: Concerning lending in Kamakura

Translated by Emily Warren and Dan Sherer

Concerning lending in Kamakura, recently there is a practice called “mujinsen,” inexhaustible cash, where they do not lend unless given collateral. Many ordinary people pawn their clothing and household items. If thieves sells stolen items, they will certainly be caught, but they {can} secretly pawn and borrow money {instead}. When the person who was stolen from sees the pawned item, the lender, because of custom, says he does not know {the thief’s} name and residence. This way of thinking is outrageous. From now onwards, on the day an item is pawned, the lender should inquire after the borrower’s name and residence {and record it}. When there is a case (sata) {wherein an item was fenced}, if the lender cannot produce an document showing transfer of goods, they should be punished as a thief. This order is to be announced within all the precincts of the magistrates. By order of the shogun, the directive is thus.

Kenchō 7th year (1256), 8th month, 12th day

Former Lord Governor of Ise (Nikaidō Yukitsuna) 1

Governor of Sagami (Hōjō Tokiyori) cypher 2

Governor of Michinoku (Hōjō Shigetoki) cypher 3

Original Text 原文

一 鎌倉中挙銭、近年号無尽銭、不入置質物之外、依不許借用、甲乙人等以衣裳物具、







Kundoku 訓読

鎌倉中の挙銭こせん、近年無尽銭むじんせんごうし、質物しちもち入置いれおかざるの外、借用しゃくように許さざるにより、甲乙人こうおつにん等、衣裳いしょう物具もののぐをもって、其の質に置く、盗人ぬすびと贓物ぞうもつを売買せしめば、 所犯しょはんたちま露顕ろけんせしむべきの間、ひそかに贓物をもって質物を入れ、借用せしむるの処、盗まるるのあるじ質物を見つけるの時、銭主せんしゅ世間せけん通例つうれいしょうし、其のじん并びに在所ざいしょ知らざるの由これを申すと云々、所存の旨、甚だもって不当、自今以後においては、質物を入置くの日、負人ふにん交名きょうみょう在所ざいしょ尋知たずねしらしむべし、若し沙汰出来しゅったいの時、 手次てつぎを引かざるにいたりては、盗人せむべきの処なり。此の旨をもって面々めんめん奉行ぶぎょう保内ほない相触あいふれるべきの状、仰せによりて執達件のごとし。

建長七年八月十二日 (1256)         


Modern 現代語


建長七年八月十二日 (1256)         

  1. Nikaidō Yukitsuna, 1216-1281. Son of Yukaidō Yukimori. As Kamakura shogunate commander, he helped issue judicial decisions and laws. He became regent to the shogun in 1270 (Ben’ei 6). 『日本人名大辞典』

  1. Hōjō Tokiyori (1227-1263) was a powerful regent responsible for preventing the Kujō Yoritsune coup and the formation of a shogunal court system.

  1. Hōjō Shigetoki (1241-1287) was the great uncle of Tokiyori, co-regent (1283-87).

Tsuikahô 304: Regarding the money confiscated from selling and buying people

Translated by Sachiko Kawai, Matthew Keller, and Lisa Kochinski.

Item: Regarding money {confiscated} from selling and buying people. 1 {The money from selling and buying people}has been donated to the Great Buddha, but the lesser itinerant monks 2 said that they were having difficulty in collecting [the money sent] from various provinces. Thus, it is ordered that {military governors} have land stewards take responsibility for sending and submitting {the money}. Accordingly, the directive is thus.

Kenchō seventh year (1255), eighth month, ninth day.

Sanetsuna (Cipher)

Kanjin (Cipher)

Jakua (Cipher)

Fifth-ranked formerly of the Ministry of Popular Affairs Lord Ōta [Yasutsura]

Some Background: In 1231 (Kangi 3), at the height of the great Kangi-era famine (1229–1232), the sale of human beings was legalized. The rationale for allowing people to sell their relatives was to spread starving people to areas where there was food, and thus ensure their survival. However, the splitting up of family members contributed to a drop in the birth rate which exacerbated recovery from the famine. Buying and selling people was prohibited in 1239, but the practice had become widespread and it continued despite numerous attempts to stamp it out. See William Wayne Farris, Japan’s Medieval Population: Famine, Fertility, and Warfare in a Transformative Age (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2006), 33–51.

Original Text 原文

一 人倫売買銭事、被寄進大仏畢、而自国々運上之事、有其煩之由、小聖申


   建長七年八月九日            実綱 判

                       勧甚 判

                       寂阿 判


Kundoku 訓読

一 人倫売買じんりんばいばいせんの事。大仏に寄進きしんせられをはんぬ。しかるに国々より運上うんじょう之事、其のわずらい有る之由、小聖こひじりこれを申す。然者しからば地頭じとうの沙汰として、送進そうしんすべきの由、下知げちせしめ給うべき之旨候う也。よって執達しったつり件の如し。

建長七年八月九日            実綱さねつな 判

                    勧甚かんじん 判

                    寂阿じゃくあ 判

太田民部大夫殿おおた みんぶ たいふ どの太田康連おおたやすつら

Modern 現代語

一 人身売買の銭について。[人身売買銭は、]大仏(の建設・修理)に使うように既に寄付されている。しかし、小聖(勧進聖の部下達)が国々から[人身売買銭が]なかなか送られてこないと申してきた。そうであるので、地頭の役目として、送り届けるように。[守護に]命ずるべきである。よって、通達することは、以上のようである。

建長七年(1255)八月九日      実綱 判

                    勧甚 判

                    寂阿 判

太田民部大夫殿(太田康連 )

  1. The selling and buying of humans was legalized during the Kangi famine in 1231 (Kangi 3), but by the time of this document, 1255, trade in humans was prohibited. The money mentioned in this document is money confiscated from illegal sales of humans. For more on slavery during the Kangi-era famine, see William Wayne Farris, Japan’s Medieval Population: Famine, Fertility, and Warfare in a Transformative Age (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2006), 33–51.
    1. Lesser itinerant monks (kohijiri 子聖) were the followers of the head fundraisers for the Great Buddha project in Kamakura.

Tsuikahô 296-297 : On Commerse Regulations

Translated by Chris Bovberg and Kaitlin Forgash

Kenchō 5th year {1253}, 10th month, 11th day; hinoe tatsu. Official prices 1 have been established for commerce. 2 Additionally, the regulations regarding coerced sales 3 have also been strengthened. Onozawa Fifth-ranked third-level manager of the Left Inner Palace Guard Novice 4 and Uchijima Third Level Lieutenant of the Inner Palace Guards 5 Moritsune Novice serve as magistrates.

Regarding the official prices for firewood and fodder 6      

Charcoal One horse-load 7 for 100 mon       

Firewood A bundle of thirty  

Miscanthus grasses 8  One horse-load

Straw One horse-load    

Rice bran 9  One horse-load

In recent years the prices of the above miscellaneous goods have risen excessively. Therefore, this order has been sent to the merchants. Also, these standards have been established for Wakaetsu 10 lumber, as a result of the difficulty of construction due to the lack of regulation in recent years. The length of a log shall eight or seven shaku. 11 If any are insufficient, they shall be confiscated. The magistrates shall announce the details.
Horses in the Illustrated Biography of Prince Shôtoku (14th c.) from the Metropolitan Museum of Art collections. (Creative Commons)

Horses in the Illustrated Biography of Prince Shôtoku (14th c.) from the Metropolitan Museum of Art collections. (Creative Commons)

Original Text 原文



   炭一駄代百文  薪三十束〈三把別百文〉

   萱木一駄〈八束代五十文〉  藁一駄〈八束代五十文〉





Kundoku 訓読



   すみ一駄いちだ代百文  薪三十のそく〈三別百文〉

   かや木一駄〈八束代五十文〉  わら一駄〈八束代五十文〉



Modern 現代語訳



     炭は一匹の馬が持てる分の値段は百文 薪三十本の束は(三束で百文)

     萱の草一匹の馬が持てる分は(八束の値段は五十文) 藁一匹の馬が持てる分は(八束の値段は五十文)



  1. 直法(じきほう)jikihou = official price. Chūsei seiji shakai shisō, p.112.

  1. 利売(りばい)ribai = commerce. Literally, “selling for profit”

  1. 押買(おしかい)oshikai = forced sale under market price

  1. 小野沢左近大夫入道=Onozawa Nakazane (仲実). Priestly name Kooren (光蓮). His name appears frequently in Kamakura documents as the responsible magistrate. The Onozawa family served as personal followers (被官) of the Hojo tokuso (main line). Chūsei seiji shakai shisō, p.112.

  1. 将監(しょうげん)- third level lieutenant of the 近衛府(このえふ)

  1. 馬蒭(まぐさ)literally, “horse fodder”

  1. 一駄(いちだ) a “horse load.” The amount a long bag slung over each side of the horse can hold, all together .

  1. 萱(かや)grasses used to thatch roofs. (日本国語大辞典)

  1. 糠(ぬか)can be used as fuel (oil), fertilizer, fodder, etc.

  1. 和賀江津(わかえつ)harbor built in 1232 in present-day Iijima, Kanagawa ken;  a departure point for lumber guilds (中世政治社会思想 p.113)

  1. 尺(しゃく): a unit of measurement; approximately 30 cm (Shiryō hensanjo database)

Tsuikahô 272 : Concerning the building of townspeople's houses

Translated by Dan Sherer and Emily Warren

An oxen in the Ippen hijiri e.

An oxen in the Ippen hijiri e.

Kenchō 3rd Year (1251), 12th month, 3rd Day Tsuchi no e uma

Concerning the building of townspeople’s houses and temporary shops 1 in various districts in Kamakura, in the past it was decided that this should be forbidden. Today, the Shogun ordered that the places where such can be built be decided and that outside of these places, {construction} should cease completely, and that this be made known without fail. Fifth ranked third level manager of the Royal Police, The Governor of Sado (Gotō) Motomasa 2 ; Fifth ranked third level manager of the Left Inner Palace Guard Onozawa initiate (nyūdō) Kōren 3 , were appointed to deal with these matters. At these locations in Kamakura, the townspeople’s houses may be built:

Ōmachi 4 , Komachi 5 , Komemachi 6 , Kamegayatsu 7 intersection, Wakae, Ōkura 8 intersection, and the top of Kewaizaka. 9

Oxen should not be tethered on small streets.

The small streets should be cleaned.

Kenchō 3rd Year (1251), 12th month, 3rd Day

Original Text 原文





  大町 小町 米町 亀谷辻 和賀江 大倉辻 気和飛坂山上




Kundoku 訓読


制禁を加えるべきの由、日来其の沙汰あり、今日彼の所々を置かる、此の外一向停止ちょうじせむべきの旨、厳密にこれをふれて仰せらるの処なり、佐渡さど大夫たいふ判官ほうがん、(後藤)基政もとまさ小野沢おのざわ 左近さこん大夫たいふ入道にゅうどう光蓮こうれん等奉行すと云云、


大町おおまち 小町こまち米町こめまち 亀谷辻かめがやつのつじ 和賀江わかえ 大倉辻おおくらのつじ 気和飛坂山上 けわいざかさんじょう




Modern 現代語







Note: Some information on Wakaeshima and pictures.

  1. Komachiya, the word used in this document, were basically the same as machiya.

  1. Gotō Motomasa(1214-1267) was a shogunal commander and the eldest son of Gotō Mototsuna.

  1. Also called Onozawa Nakazane. Chūsei shakai seiji shishō, 112.

  1. This refers to a neighborhood in central Kamakura, at the northeast corner of the intersection of the Ōmachi Avenue and the Komachi Avenue. (Gendaigoyaku Azuma Kagami, Bekkan, 205)

  1. This refers to a neighborhood in central Kamakura, on the east side of the Komachi Avenue roughly halfway between Ōmachi Avenue and Wakanomiya palace. (Gendaigoyaku Azuma Kagami, Bekkan, 205)

  1. This refers to the intersection of the Musashi Avenue and the Kamegayatsu zaka street in northeast Kamakura. (Gendaigoyaku Azuma Kagami, Bekkan, 205)

  1. This refers to a neighborhood on the eastern end of Kamakura’s coastline, facing the moorings on Wakaeshima Island. (Gendaigoyaku Azuma Kagami, Bekkan, 205).

  1. This refers to the neighborhood at the intersection of Nikaidō Avenue and Roku’ura street in Northern Kamakura. It is so named because of it’s proximity to the Ōkura palace. (Gendaigoyaku Azuma Kagami, Bekkan, 205).

  1. Aneighborhood in northwestern Kamakura west of Musashi Avenue. (Gendaigoyaku Azuma Kagami, Bekkan, 205)