Translated by Dan Sherer and Emily Warren
An oxen in the Ippen hijiri e.
Concerning the building of townspeople’s houses and temporary shops 1 in various districts in Kamakura, in the past it was decided that this should be forbidden. Today, the Shogun ordered that the places where such can be built be decided and that outside of these places, {construction} should cease completely, and that this be made known without fail. Fifth ranked third level manager of the Royal Police, The Governor of Sado (Gotō) Motomasa 2 ; Fifth ranked third level manager of the Left Inner Palace Guard Onozawa initiate (nyūdō) Kōren 3 , were appointed to deal with these matters. At these locations in Kamakura, the townspeople’s houses may be built:
Ōmachi 4 , Komachi 5 , Komemachi 6 , Kamegayatsu 7 intersection, Wakae, Ōkura 8 intersection, and the top of Kewaizaka. 9
Oxen should not be tethered on small streets.
The small streets should be cleaned.
Kenchō 3rd Year (1251), 12th month, 3rd Day
Original Text 原文
大町 小町 米町 亀谷辻 和賀江 大倉辻 気和飛坂山上
Modern 現代語
Note: Some information on Wakaeshima and pictures.
Komachiya, the word used in this document, were basically the same as machiya. ↩
Gotō Motomasa(1214-1267) was a shogunal commander and the eldest son of Gotō Mototsuna. ↩
Also called Onozawa Nakazane. Chūsei shakai seiji shishō, 112. ↩
This refers to a neighborhood in central Kamakura, at the northeast corner of the intersection of the Ōmachi Avenue and the Komachi Avenue. (Gendaigoyaku Azuma Kagami, Bekkan, 205) ↩
This refers to a neighborhood in central Kamakura, on the east side of the Komachi Avenue roughly halfway between Ōmachi Avenue and Wakanomiya palace. (Gendaigoyaku Azuma Kagami, Bekkan, 205) ↩
This refers to the intersection of the Musashi Avenue and the Kamegayatsu zaka street in northeast Kamakura. (Gendaigoyaku Azuma Kagami, Bekkan, 205) ↩
This refers to a neighborhood on the eastern end of Kamakura’s coastline, facing the moorings on Wakaeshima Island. (Gendaigoyaku Azuma Kagami, Bekkan, 205). ↩
This refers to the neighborhood at the intersection of Nikaidō Avenue and Roku’ura street in Northern Kamakura. It is so named because of it’s proximity to the Ōkura palace. (Gendaigoyaku Azuma Kagami, Bekkan, 205). ↩
Aneighborhood in northwestern Kamakura west of Musashi Avenue. (Gendaigoyaku Azuma Kagami, Bekkan, 205) ↩