Translated by Chris Bovberg and Kaitlin Forgash
Regarding the official prices for firewood and fodder 6
Charcoal One horse-load 7 for 100 mon
Firewood A bundle of thirty
Miscanthus grasses 8 One horse-load
Straw One horse-load
Rice bran 9 One horse-load
In recent years the prices of the above miscellaneous goods have risen excessively. Therefore, this order has been sent to the merchants. Also, these standards have been established for Wakaetsu 10 lumber, as a result of the difficulty of construction due to the lack of regulation in recent years. The length of a log shall eight or seven shaku. 11 If any are insufficient, they shall be confiscated. The magistrates shall announce the details.
Horses in the Illustrated Biography of Prince Shôtoku (14th c.) from the Metropolitan Museum of Art collections. (Creative Commons)
Original Text 原文
炭一駄代百文 薪三十束〈三把別百文〉
萱木一駄〈八束代五十文〉 藁一駄〈八束代五十文〉
Kundoku 訓読
Modern 現代語訳
炭は一匹の馬が持てる分の値段は百文 薪三十本の束は(三束で百文)
萱の草一匹の馬が持てる分は(八束の値段は五十文) 藁一匹の馬が持てる分は(八束の値段は五十文)
直法(じきほう)jikihou = official price. Chūsei seiji shakai shisō, p.112. ↩
利売(りばい)ribai = commerce. Literally, “selling for profit” ↩
押買(おしかい)oshikai = forced sale under market price ↩
小野沢左近大夫入道=Onozawa Nakazane (仲実). Priestly name Kooren (光蓮). His name appears frequently in Kamakura documents as the responsible magistrate. The Onozawa family served as personal followers (被官) of the Hojo tokuso (main line). Chūsei seiji shakai shisō, p.112. ↩
将監(しょうげん)- third level lieutenant of the 近衛府(このえふ) ↩
馬蒭(まぐさ)literally, “horse fodder” ↩
一駄(いちだ) a “horse load.” The amount a long bag slung over each side of the horse can hold, all together . ↩
萱(かや)grasses used to thatch roofs. (日本国語大辞典) ↩
糠(ぬか)can be used as fuel (oil), fertilizer, fodder, etc. ↩
和賀江津(わかえつ)harbor built in 1232 in present-day Iijima, Kanagawa ken; a departure point for lumber guilds (中世政治社会思想 p.113) ↩
尺(しゃく): a unit of measurement; approximately 30 cm (Shiryō hensanjo database) ↩