Denryaku: Kōwa 2 {1100} 1.5

康和ニ年正月五日 Kōwa 2 {1100} 1.5
Translated by Emily Warren

Fifth day. Mizunoe saru. The weather was clear. There was the Promotions in Rank Ceremony (joi no gi). Minister of the Left Lord Minamoto [Toshifusa] composed the record of decisions. The ceremony in front of His Majesty was as usual. However, first I sat on a round cushion and then summoned Minister of the Left. The program was as usual. In the evening I stayed over {at the palace}.

Original 原文

Kundoku 訓読

Back: Fifth day Promotions in Rank Ceremony. Around the Hour of the Rooster {5-7 p.m.} I dressed and went before His Majesty {Horikawa Tennō}. Then I served the evening meal. This was because there were no ladies-in-waiting (nyobō). After a little while, Secretary-controller [Minamoto no Yoshitoshi] commanded the royal secretary (kurōdō) to call {for me}. I arrived at this time, and went between the small and large tray stations (kodaibandokoro) {where meals are plated and then served}. Meanwhile, the nobles were lined up in the archery pavilion (ibadono). After a little while, Minister of the Left ascended to the palace vestibule (koitajiki) to reach His Majesty’s chambers (tenjō). Next, Minister of the Left was first to go before His Majesty.

I served alongside him. I went to the middle bay at the senior counselors’ seats. Next senior nobles took up the box for the petitions {of those seeking promotion} and sat in order. Next, His Majesty [Horikawa Tennō] called for me. I responded, stood up, and went from the fifth western bay on the veranda (sunoko) to the side seats (yokoza) <western side> to sit and receive commands. Next, {His Majesty called,} “Minister of the Left”. The Minister of the Left responded, and came to sit down on a round cushion. “Quickly,” commanded His Majesty. The Minister of the Left did a shōyū bow, placing his baton (shaku) to his left. <When I inquired about the usual ceremony, I was told that the baton is held {while bowing}.>

Those who had served for ten years were presented and then sent back {to their seats.}. Again, {His Highness} commanded, “Quickly.” Then the Minister of the Left was commanded to call for people {to serve}: <”Gentlemen”>, and fifth-ranker [Fujiwara no] Tametaka came up to serve. It was said that because the elongated scroll (zokushi) was to have been brought, Tametaka departed and returned {with it}. At this time, the petitions {for promotion} were ordered brought forward. Tametaka brought the elongated scroll and placed it in front of the composer-recorder. His Majesty commanded, “Quickly,” and first he wrote, “junior fifth lower” {on the scroll}. Petitions from {officials from} the Personnel Ministry (Shikibu) and Popular Affairs Ministry (Minbu) were chosen and {names} written down. There were doubts, about which Viceroy’s views would be asked. Next, a royal secretary was promoted to the junior fifth rank lower. 1 After this, a Council advisor (sangi) was called, and he brought petitions for those nominated by the retired monarch and premier royal lady. Then he left. In the meantime, recommendations (kanmon) from the Council Secretariat (Gekikyoku) were presented to the composer-recorder.
  1. There were three royal secretaries with the fifth rank in 1100, but all of them had senior fifth rank. According to Korōdo bunin (vol. 1, 162), Fujiwara no Sanetaka was given the upper fifth rank lower in this round of appointments.

During the promotions process, we observed the tennō’s expression (mikeshiki) as we proceeded with evaluations (kōka) {of provincial governors}. Major Counselor Lord [Minamoto no] Morotada was ordered to serve as composer-recorder. In the meantime, the petitions {of those nominated} by the retired monarch or premier royal lady (ingū no mōshibumi) were brought in. Next, evaluation (kōka) {of governors} of Izu and Aki provinces was conducted. Due to a Council of State order (kanpu), however, evaluation of the Izu governor was not carried out. This determined, the Council’s decision (sadamebumi) for Aki was attached {to other documents}, put in the box, and a memorial to His Majesty made. Since there was a mistake, however, it was returned. When the mistake had been corrected, there was another memorial, and {the box with its contents} was sent to His Majesty and accepted. After that, it was sent on {for promulgation}. The petitions and recommendations by Council secretaries were all returned {to their initiators}.

The composer-recorder took and attached the nominations to his baton and left {the royal audience.} Next, I stood and departed. I returned to my palace quarters and then went to Viceroy Lord Moromichi (denka) to inform him {about the proceedings}. Among the things {we spoke on}: the four people of the royal police (kebiishi) who were promoted, as there had been an order to promote several. After Lord Moromichi returned home, I entered the palace to stay {the night}. It seems that the senior noble in charge (shōkei) of the nomination process for those of the fourth rank and below (orina) was the Minamoto middle counselor.

Original 原文
裏、五日叙位議、酉時許着裝束參御前、而供タ御膳、是依無女房陪膳也、頃之頭弁(源能俊)仰藏人召、其間予着小大盤續目下、其間諸卿列立射場殿、頃之左府昇小板敷着殿上、次先左府參御前座、予相許伴又參着大納言座中間、次諸卿取筥文、而次第着座了、次主上(堀河天皇)コナタ二ト召、予唯稱立座、經簀子從西第五聞着橫座、〈西面、〉次承仰. 左乃大」万知君〈ト〉召 、 〔左脱〕府唯稱着圓座、次主上仰云、早〈久、〉 左府小揖、置笏於左方、〈尋常議〔儀〕挿笏云々、〉奏十年勞、返給、又仰云、早〈久、〉承仰左府召人、〈男共、〉五藏〔位〕人(藤原)爲隆參進、仰可進續帋之由、爲隆退還、此間下給申文、此間爲隆持參續紙、其後執筆置前續紙、主上仰云、早〈久、〉先書從五位下、式部・民部也、件申 文〈ヲ〉撰取授執筆、有疑事、可尋申(師実)殿下、次叙藏人〔蔵人叙〕從下五位、其」後召參議、召院宮御申文、參議退還、其間外記勘文授執筆、次第叙間、取御氣色〈テ〉仰可定功過、仍執筆仰大納言(源)師忠卿、其間持參院宮御申文、次定功過、伊豆・安藝國等是也、而依官符塔事、伊豆功過不定、事了後、叙位〈二〉副安藝定、〔文脱カ〕入筥奏聞、但依有誤返給、書直〈テ〉又奏聞、返給、次返進下給申文并勘文、執筆取副叙位於笏退下、」次予又退立、宿所〈二〉還〈テ〉參殿下、申事趣、其中檢非違使四人冠給條、頗多叙之由所被仰也、殿下還御後、又還〈テ〉參內宿、下名上卿源中納言〔云々〕

Kundoku 訓読
裏、五日、叙位の議。酉(とり)時許裝束(しょうぞく)を着し、御前[堀河天皇]に參りて、而にタ御膳を供ず。是れ女房陪膳無きに依る也。頃之頭弁(源能俊(みなもとのよしとし)藏人に仰せて召す。其の間、予、小大盤の続目(つぎめ)の下(もと)に着す。其の間、諸卿射場殿(いばどの)に列立(れつりつ)す。頃之左府小板敷(こいたじき)を昇り殿上に着す。次で先左府は御前座に參る。予相伴(しょうばん)し、又大納言座の中間に參着す。次で諸卿筥文を取りて次第に着座し了る。次で主上[堀河天皇]「コナタ二」と召す。予唯稱して座を立ち、簀子(すのこ)経て西第五間従(より)橫座に着す。〈西面。〉次仰を承(うけたまわ)る。「左の大万知君(おおいまちぎみ)」〈ト〉召す。〔左〕府唯稱して円座に着す。次で主上仰せて云く、「早(と)〈く、〉 左府小揖(しょうゆう)し、笏を左方に置く。〈尋常儀、笏を挿すと云々。〉十年労(ろう)を奏す、返し給わる。又仰せて云く、「早〈く。〉」左府仰を承り人を召す。「〈男共(おとこども)。〉」五藏〔位〕人(藤原)爲隆(ためたか)參進す。続紙(ぞくし)を進むべき之由を仰す。爲隆退き還る。此の間、申文(もうしぶみ)を下し給わる。此の間、爲隆は続紙を持參す。其の後、執筆(しゅひつ)、前に続紙を置く。主上(しゅじょう)仰せて云く、「早〈く。〉」先に従五位下を書く。式部・民部也。件の申文〈ヲ〉撰び取り執筆に授(さず)く。疑(うたが)う事有り。殿下[師実]に尋ね申す可し。次で藏人を從下五位に叙す。其の後、參議を召し、院宮(いんぐう)御申文を召す。參議退き還る。其の間、外記(げき)の勘文(かんもん)を執筆に授く。次第に叙す間、御氣色(みけしき)を取り〈テ〉、功過(こうか)を定むべきを仰す。仍(すなわ)ち執筆、大納言(源)師忠卿に仰す。其の間、院宮御申文を持參す。次で功過を定む。伊豆(いず)・安藝(あき)国等是れ也。而(しか)して官符(かんぷ)の塔の事に依り、伊豆の功過を定まらず。事了る後、叙位〈二〉安藝定文を副(そ)え、筥に入れ奏聞(そうもん)す。但し誤有るに依り返し給わる。書き直し〈テ〉又奏聞し、返し給わる。次に下し給わる。申文并びに勘文を返し進す。執筆叙位を笏に取り副えて退き下す。次で予又退き立ち、宿所〈二〉還り〈テ〉殿下に參り、事の趣(おもむき)を申す。其の中、檢非違使四人冠(かんむり)を給わる條(じょう)、頗(すこぶる)多く叙す之由仰せらる所也。殿下は還御の後、又還り〈テ〉參內し宿す。下名(おりな)の上卿(しょうけい)は源中納言と〔云々〕