Denryaku: Shōtoku 2 {1098} 1.27

承徳二年正月二十七日 Shōtoku 2 {1098} 1.27
Translated by Joan Piggott

Twenty-seventh day. Hinoe ne. 1 Weather was clear. The Ceremony for Assigning Posts (jimoku) [was held]. Around the Hour of the Rabbit [5-7AM] I went to the Ōidono since Ôdono [Fujiwara no Morozane] was there. Last night there was a fire at the palace. It started from a hibachi. I heard that people put it out. Then around the Hour of the Horse [11-1PM] Lord Viceroy [Fujiwara no Moromichi] arrived. He left after a bit. Around the Hour of the Dog [7-9PM] I went to the royal palace [Kayanoin] with four outriders. 2 [After] walking a bit I entered through the guard post room (jin) of the Left Gate Guards. First I went to my quarters (onchokuro). Then I went to a discussion of the senior nobles (jinnoza). Then I went before His Majesty (gozen no za) as usual.
  1. Thirteenth day of the sexagenary cycle.

  1. Kayanoin was then the town palace (satodairi) of Horikawa Tennō.

Original Text 原文


Kundoku 訓読
廿七日、丙子ひのえね、〔てんはれ除目じもくなり。卯時うのときばかり大炊殿おおいどのに参る。大殿おおどの[藤原師実ふじわらのもろざね]御座おわすによるなり。さんぬるよる御所ごしょ に失火しっかある。火はおけの火なり。人人ひとびとしょうすと云々うんうんつぎ午刻うまのこくばかり関白殿かんぱくどの参りたまう。しばらくして出御しゅつぎょうす。戌刻いぬのこくばかり参内さんだい[賀陽院皇居かやのいんこうきょ]。前駈ぜんく四人なり。歩行ほうぎょうして左衛門陣さえもんのじんなりよりいることなり。さき関白かんぱく御直廬おんちょくろに参る。つぎ陣座じんのざちゃくす。つぎ御前座ごぜんのざ参着さんちゃくし、つねごとし。