Taiki: Kôji 2 {1143} 7.13 Entry

Translated by Yumi Kodama, Jitsuya Nishiyama, and Sachiko Kawai

Kōji 2 7.13 Entry

Thirteenth Day. Tsuchinoe tatsu. 1 Since the eleventh day, [I have read] < out loud > three times from [the very first] heading to the end of the Den 2 section on the first year [of Yin] 3 in the Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals 4 ]. Then, I read < out loud > the Correct Meanings 5 volume 2 once. [I] am reading them again, since the first two volumes of Correct Meanings are especially important.

The method for studying the Commentary of Zuo: [I] start by reading [the Spring and Autumn Annals] Shakurei 6 once, then [I] read the Commentary of Zuo [on the Spring and Autumn Annals] once < [including] putting marginal headings 7 and marking where [we] should excerpt>. After that, I have my students excerpt [the selections]. [I] compare the excerpts < [which has become] ten volumes[,] > to my {Commentary of Zuo}. Then [I] put marginal headings on the excerpted version, [read it] once (again), and insert detailed indices. [I] have Seikun (Fujiwara no Narisuke) compare my printed version {from Song} 8 and {my Commentary of Zuo} beforehand; [Furthermore,] I myself compare and correct questionable passages in { my copies of} those books. Also, based on the reference materials 9 Seikun has made, I add my thoughts {in my copy of the Commentary of Zuo}. Then [I] read it out loud [to check].

Next, [I] read [my] Correct Meanings and compared it to my original text {of The Commentary of Zuo}; then [I] examine the meaning of each sentence. [I] put marginal headings on [my copy of] the Correct Meanings and mark the places that [we should] excerpt. [I] have my students excerpt them and write on the other side of my Correct Meanings. Then, [I] immediately read volumes one and two.

{The method for studying} the Commentary of Gongyang: [I] roughly put in marginal headings, mark the sections to be excerpted, and make students copy them. [I] compare these copied texts (which amounted to three volumes) with the original copy of the Commentary of Gongyang, and then put in marginal headings {on the copied texts}. After finishing reading the whole of Jiehui 10 , [I] put in marginal headings, mark important sentences, and make students copy them on the back of my original text {of the Commentary of Gongyang}.

{The method for studying} the Commentary of Guliang: < The same process as for Commentary of Gongyang. But, the excerpted texts amounted to two volumes. >. The whole of Shu 11 : After finishing reading, [I] put in marginal headings, mark important sentences, and make students copy them on the back of my original text {of the Commentary of Guliang}.

[I] put great effort into the three commentaries of the Spring and Autumn Annals, so I wrote this entry here.

  1. Fifth day of the sexegenery cycle.

  1. Den 伝 is the Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals consists of two sections: Kyō 経 and Den 伝.

  1. Yorinaga does not specify the name of the volume, but the first volume is named Yin 隠.

  1. Shunjū sashiden 春秋左氏伝

  1. Shunjū sashiden seigi 春秋左氏伝正義

  1. Shili is a commentary book of The Spring and Autumn Annals.

  1. Marginal headings.

  1. It was probably printed during the Song era, and at least Yorinaga believed this was the reliable version.

  1. Those materials could be genealogies, maps, or chronologies.

  1. One of the commentary books of The Spring and Autumn Annals. Jiehui 解徽 can be literally translated as “annotating with marks,” “annotating in a sophisticated manner,” or “unraveling the strands.” It is an annotated version of the Commentary of Gongyang.

  1. One of the commentary books of The Spring and Autumn Annals. Shu 疏 is literally translated as “detailed commentary.”

Original text 原文


Kundoku 訓読

十三日、〈戊辰つちのえたつ。〉去る十一日より、元年の伝の尽きるまで、 1 三反さんぺん高声こうしょう 2 〉。了りて、正義の巻 3 の第二を読むこと一反〈高声。〉正義の初両巻 4 、殊勝に依りて重ねて之これを見る。

左氏を学ぶ事。釈例 5 一反に初まり、左伝を一反、〈首付くびづけ 6 ならびに抄出しょうしゅつすべきのところ 7 かぎ 8 〉、おわりて、生徒を以て抄出せしめおわんぬ。其の抄出〈十巻〉、本書 9 に読み合わせ、即ち首付す。ついで一反、くわしく首付し、先ず成君[藤原成佐]を以ってり本 10 に披校せしむ。また不審のところ、重ねて摺り本に校す。また成君作る所の図 11 に本づき、予重ねて安〔案〕ずる事を入る。次で一反高声に之を読む。


公羊くよう。一反これを見て、ほぼ首付し、抄すべきところ、勾を懸け、生徒を以って抄写しょうしゃせしむ。その抄出〈{計}三巻〉と{公羊伝の}本書を読み合わせ、即ち首付す。解徽かいき 12 一部〈十二巻、〉を見了りて首付し、要文ようもんに勾し、生徒を以って{公羊伝の}本書の裏に書か。

穀梁こくりょうに同じ。ただし抄出は二巻、〉 13 一部〈十二巻、〉見了りてほぼ首付し、要文ようもんに勾し、生徒を以って{穀梁伝の}本書の裏に書かしむ。


Modern 現代語


『左氏声高 14 に音読する。





  1.  春秋左氏伝は各章『経』と『伝』の二部構成で、経題はその経の冒頭の部分。孔子が残した言葉と言われている。

  1. 高声 (こうしょう):〔「こうじょう」とも〕 大きい声。高い声。 「 -に加持したてまつる/宇治拾遺 15」(『大辞林 第三版』抜粋)

  1.  春秋左氏伝正義。春秋三伝とは、中国古代の年代記『春秋』の注釈書である『春秋左氏伝』『春秋公羊伝』『春秋穀梁伝』の3つ。(『ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典』抜粋) 左氏伝正義は唐の時代に編集された左氏伝の注釈本。頼長の頃には、左氏伝が公羊伝に代わり春秋の正伝として扱われていた。(住吉朋彦『名だたる蔵書家、隠れた蔵書家』佐藤道生編 慶應義塾大学出版会 2010年 37頁 参照)

  1.  左氏伝正義の最初の2巻か。

  1.  春秋左氏伝の注釈本の1つ。(住吉「藤原頼長の学問と蔵書」36頁 参照)

  1.  抄/首付、首付:共に細注のこと。(住吉 37頁 参照) 本文の上の余白部分に、タイトルや内容補足を書き入れること。

  1. 抄出 (しょう(せう)しゅつ):抜き出す。抜き書き。(『新選漢和辞典 Web版』抜粋)

  1.  印をつける。

  1.  頼長が準備した元になるテキスト。これは巻物の形をしていたと推測される。住吉 39-40頁 参照。

  1.  木版で複製印刷されたテキスト。宋版。住吉 37頁 参照。

  1.  図が何かは不明。住吉によると、春秋の内容に沿った系譜、地図、年表の類。住吉 38頁 参照。

  1.  公羊伝の注釈本のタイトル。左伝で言うところの正義に対応するもの。

  1. 疏 : そ 穀梁伝の注釈本。

  1.  一字空いている。「更」(さらに)が入るか。