Taiki: Ten'yô 2 {1145} 5.3 Entry

Translated by Emily Warren

Ten’yō 2.5 Entry

Third Day. < Tsuchinoe saru. 1 > I went to {see the} retired monarch because it was the last day of the assembly 2 on the Peacock Sutra. 3 {Kakuhō carried out the Peacock Sutra rite, but} he passed his prize 4 on to Preceptor 5 Kan’itsu 6 , who was rewarded with the title of Dharma Eye.They prayed to extinguish the weird star {that has appeared.} It vanished, but then we saw it reappear in the western sky. Because of this, the last day of the rite was postponed. After that, the star remained. The rite {of the Peacock Sutra} suffered disgrace, the sect shamed, and everyone involved made a laughingstock. It is said that the Cloistered Senior Retired Sovereign [Toba] awarded {Kan’itsu the title} to assuage Prince Kakuhō’s grief {over failing to extinguish the star}. People are calling it “The Appearing Star Award.” 7 After the last assembly, I went to Hosshōji 8 < for sermons on thirty {chapters from the Lotus Sutra 9 } > and then departed.

The Provisional Senior Counselor < {Fujiwara no} Munesuke> sent me honeysuckle berries, 10 saying, “I had these sent from Izumi Province.” The color is red, and they are as big and round as go stones. The seeds are tiny. They are wonderful with my three daily meals. 11 The flavor is so sweet! The flavor is so lovely! The flavor is so very tasty! How can I express how delicious these are?

Original Text 原文



Kundoku 訓読

三日、<戊申つちのえさる>院に参る。孔雀経法くじゃくきょうほう結願けちがんによるなり。 12 その賞、阿闍梨あじゃり寛壱かんいつ 13 を以って法眼ほうげん 14 じょす。星変せいへんを消さんと請うところ、しかしてその星消えるといえども、また西方に見ゆ。これにりてその法を延引えんいんせらるも、その後も星消えず、法 15 きずたり、宗 16 はじたり。時の人、皆以って嘲哢ちょうろうす。法皇 17 、親王 18 の歎きを休めんがために賞をたまわると云々。俗人これを名づけて星出る賞と謂う。結願ののち法勝寺ほっしょうじに参る。〈卅講 19 。〉退出す。


Modern Japanese 現代語




  1. The forty-fifth day of the sexegenary cycle.

  1. The kechigan 結願 is the last day of an assembly (Digital Dictionary of Buddhism). The kechigan was notable for offerings (fuse) to the temple and priests. Yorinaga was the Inner Palace Minister, so even given his lofty position, it would not have been an event for him to skip. Representatives of temples often contacted nobles, imploring them to attend such gatherings.

  1. The Peacock Sutra, also translated as The Great Peahen, is a work of early Buddhist magic. The first translation appears in fourth century China. (Digital Dictionary of Buddhism)

  1. Kan’itsu may have been Kakuhō’s disciple.

  1. Here “ajari” is translated as “preceptor.”

  1. Here, Yorinaga, likely uses the wrong characters for Kan’itsu’s name 寛壹. He writes it as Kandai 寛台. However, there was not a man named Kandai with this position at this time. We consulted the Sōden shiryō 僧伝史料三, pg 99, and the and Shingonshū zensho, pg. 423.

  1. An alternate, albeit idiomatic and sarcastic translation is “The Gold Star Award.” Yorinaga is quite biting and catty here.

  1. Hosshōji 法勝寺 is a temple in northeastern Kyoto City. It was founded by Shirakawa Tennō in the late eleventh century.

  1. This refers to sermons on thirty selections from the Lotus Sutra. Practitioners would gather, and the rite would often begin with the reading of the eight scrolls of the Lotus Sutra are read one at a time at different times of day. (日本国語大辞典)

  1. Ōjichi 鶯実 is technically the berries of the Lonicera gracilipes is a member of the honeysuckle family. The shrub produces ornamental red berries, which are possibly cathartic and emetic in sufficient quantities.

  1. Here, it is unclear whether the wondrous quality is the taste, appearance, or both. By the end of the Heian Period, courtiers were partaking in three formal meals, as opposed to two.

  1. 孔雀経法という仏事が院御所で、頼長が院御所に行った。

  1. 『史料大成』本では「寛臺」とするが、『野澤血脈集』(『真言宗全書』39)の覚法法親王付法十二人のなかに「寛壹」が見えるので、ここの「臺」は「壱」の誤りと判断して修正した。寛壱は『野澤血脈集』によれば源師房の男で、『台記別記』久安三年三月二十七日条には「法眼」と見える。

  1. 法眼(ほうげん):「ほうげんかしょうい(法眼和尚位)」の略。(『日国』抜粋)

  1. 孔雀経の法。

  1. ここで「宗」は真言宗という意味。(USC漢文ワークショップ2019の講義より)

  1. ここの法皇は鳥羽院。崇徳天皇も院になったが、此時に鳥羽院だけ出家した。

  1. 親王は覚法。(USC漢文ワークショップ2019の講義より)

  1. 仏教の信者が集まり仏の徳を賛美する法会(ほうえ)。また、経典の講義や論議をする会。法華経を講ずる法華八講をはじめ種々のものがある。(『日国』抜粋)