Translated by Dan Sherer, Chris Bovberg, and Kaitlin Forgash
The Teikin Ôrai is a Muromachi (1333-1573) period collection of fictional letters intended to serve as an example for students studying phrases, seasonality, terms, and calligraphy.
A New Year’s greeting card design featuring archery equipment. “Bow, Arrows, Target, and Other Outfits for Archery,” from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Ca. 1814. (Creative Commons)
A warrior shoots a straw hat target 笠懸 (kasagaki) from horseback in the Illustrated Scroll of Obusuma Saburo. Ca. 13th century. (Creative Commons)
This is a new year’s event, and is one of the 年中行事 (nenjūgyōji) celebrations. ↩
Small bow generally made with small bamboo or similar wood. ↩
A type of mounted archery (yabusame). It is uncertain whether this refers to shooting at a target from 9 (or three) shaku away, three sets of three targets, or the targets being of three shaku in height (90 centimeters) ↩
左衛門尉 Third-level manager of the 左衛門府 (saemonfu), left gate guard headquarters/office. ↩
Original Text 原文
正月五日 左衛門尉藤原
謹上 石見守殿
A scene from the first letter of the year in Hokusai’s illustrated Teikin Ôrai, located in the British National Museum collections. Meiji Period (1868-1912) copy. (Creative Commons)
Modern 現代語訳
正月五日 左衛門尉藤原
謹上 石見守殿