Taiki: Ten'yô 2 {1145} 4.2 Entry

Translated by Jitsuya Nishiyama

Second Day. Hinoto no ushi. 1 The book vault 2 that was under construction since the New Year was completed. We placed my books there today. Because it was an auspicious time, we did it in the Hour of the Horse. < Norihide determined the date and time.> I wore a semi-formal outfit. I took the wooden chest containing the commentaries about The Spring and Autumn Annals and entered the vault first. I placed them on the yang shelf. < The eastern shelf has five levels. I named it yang.> Royal Secretary cum Third-level Manager in the Ministry of Personnel Fujiwara no Narisuke wore formal dress. He took the wooden chest with such commentaries as those for The Book of Changes and The Book of Odes and books concerning waterways, entered the vault, and placed them on the yin shelf. < The western shelf has six levels. I named it yin. > Yasuchika said, “When constructing a book vault, first place books concerning waterways. This is what has been handed down." I followed this advice.

The design of this book vault {is as follows}: The height is eleven feet. 3 < In addition, the foundation is one foot high. 4 > The distance from east to west is twenty-three feet, and from north to south is twelve feet. < {There is} one room.> There are doors in the north and south, and all the four walls are made of boards. They are painted with lime, and the doors were painted with oyster-shell paint. This is to protect the wood. The roof is tiled, and there is a hedge planted six feet away from the vault. Its width is seven feet and its height is thirteen feet, and there is an entranceway in the southeast corner. In the northwest corner, I had a pond made and filled with water. 5 The outer trench beyond the hedge was dug three feet deep and two feet wide. Bamboo was planted around the outer trench. Surrounding it, there is an ordinary roofed wall. 6 < The roofed wall of my house was used for the vault's north and west sides, and I built another wall for the vault for the south and east sides.> There is an entranceway in the southeast corner <{on the} south side. >

  1. Fourteenth day of the sexegenery cycle.

  1. The word “vault” in this translation sounds like this book vault was constructed underground, but Yorinaga’s vault—and indeed Heian buildings—was above ground. The foundation here refers to stone pilings that supported wooden pillars. Storehouses of this period were built off the ground to keep out vermin.

  1. The original text uses the length unit of jō 丈 and shaku 尺. Jō and shaku are 303 centimeters and 30.3 centimeters respectively (Digital Daijisen). One foot is equal to 30.48 centimeters. Here, foot is used in translation because foot and shaku is very close to each other in length. In the metric system, eleven shaku corresponds to 3.33 m.

  1. Or .3 meter.

  1. There is a possibility that Yorinaga had water drawn from the outer trench to fill the pond, depending on how the sentence is parsed and combined and/or separated from the following sentence. (USC Kambun Workshop 2019)

  1. This wall would be similar to many walls still seen around Japan today. It might have had a stone base, with the majority of the wall being earthen. The wall would likely have been topped with a sloping, double-sided roof with tiles. (USC Kambun Workshop 2019)

Original Text 原文



Kundoku 訓読

二日。丁ひのとのうし。正月より、造り始むるところの文倉ふみぐら 1 、造り了ぬ。今日文書を置く。吉時たるに依って、午の刻を用う。〈憲栄のりひで 2 、日時を勘申かんじんす。 3 〉余、冠直衣かむりのうしを着、『春秋』の 4 ひつを取り、先に入りて陽の棚 5 に置く。〈東の棚は五重、これを陽と謂う。〉蔵人式部丞しきぶのじょう 6 藤成佐とうのなりすけ、束帯を着、『易』・『詩』等の緯、及び河渠かきょ 7 の書のひつを取り、また入りて陰の棚に置く。〈西の棚は六重、これを陰と謂う。〉泰親やすちか 8 申して云わく、文倉を作らば、始めに河洛からくの書を入るのよし、先達の伝うるところなり。余は従いてこれを用う。文倉のせい 9 、高さ一丈一尺、〈この外、の高さ一尺。〉東西は二丈三尺、南北は一丈二尺。〈一間ひとま。〉南北に戸あり、四方は皆これをこしらうるに板を以てす。その上に石灰いしばいを塗りて、その戸に蠣柄かきがらを塗る。剥落せしめざらん為なり。葺くこと瓦を以てす。倉を去ること六尺にして、芝垣を築く。広さ七尺、高さ一丈三尺。ひつじさる 10 の角に出入の道あり。乾(いぬい 11 の角に池をりて水を通さしむ。芝垣の外に溝を堀ること三尺、広さは二尺。その外に竹をえ廻らす。その外に尋常の築垣ついがきあり。〈西と北は、家の外のかく 12 、東と南は、別に倉の廓を為す。〉たつみの角〈南面。〉に戸あり。

Modern Japanese 現代語訳


  1. 当書庫の詳細な想像図が、橋本義彦『藤原頼長』56頁に掲載されている。

  1. 賀茂憲栄。康治二年七月二十二日条にも登場する暦博士。

  1. かんじん(勘申): 朝廷で、儀式や行事などの先例、典故、日時、吉凶などについて上申すること。勘進(かんしん)。(『デジタル大辞泉』抜粋)

  1. 緯とは緯書で、経書に関する注釈書のこと。(冨谷至「<論説>白虎観会議前夜 : 後漢讖緯学の受容と展開」『史林』63号 74頁)また、緯書には天文学占いのなどによる未来予言書の様なものも存在したが、隋の煬帝によって禁じられた。(内藤湖南『支那史学史1』平凡社東洋文庫 1992年 132-133頁)つまり、頼長の時代にこうした未来予言書が存在する可能性は低く、当日記に登場する緯書は、経書に関する注釈書であると考えられる。

  1. 頼長が陰陽思想にちなんで書棚に名前を付けたものと思われ、東(と北)が陽の方角、西(と南)が陰の方角とされることによるか。西側に池も作られていること、また、それぞれの本棚の段数が陽の数字「五」と陰の数字「六」となっていることも、関連していると考えられる。(USC漢文ワークショップ2019講義より)

  1. 式部省の判官四人の総称。大丞は正六位下、少丞は従六位上相当。式部のぞう。(『日国』抜粋)

  1. かきょ(河渠): 川と掘り割り。水流の通路。(『デジタル大辞泉』抜粋) ここでは、「河渠の書」で河川に関連する書籍であると考えられる。火事を忌むことから、水に関わる書物をまず納めることとされたものか。(USC漢文ワークショップ2019講義より)

  1. 安倍泰親。1110-1183年。平安時代後期の陰陽師(おんようじ)。天永元年生まれ。安倍晴明(せいめい)の子孫。藤原頼長や九条兼実に重用され,雅楽頭(うたのかみ),陰陽権博士などを歴任し,陰陽頭兼大膳権大夫にすすんだ。(『デジタル版 日本人名大辞典+Plus』抜粋)

  1. せい(制): のり。おきて。さだめ。(『日国』抜粋)

  1. ひつじさる(坤):南西の方角。(『新選漢和辞典 Web版』抜粋)

  1. いぬい(乾):北西の方角。八卦の方位に由来する。(『デジタル大辞泉』抜粋)

  1. かく・くるわ(廊):城やとりでのまわりの囲い。(『新選漢和辞典 Web版』抜粋)