Translated by Lisa Kochinski
We have no quarrel with those of firm Buddhist faith and strict practice. However, everyone has heard about those who eat fish and fowl, solicit women, and also assemble groups and indulge in banquets with abandon. Order the magistrates of the various precincts 2 to destroy any houses where this is taking place, and to expel those within them from Kamakura.
Portrait of Hônen, a nenbutsu proponent, by Fujiwara Takanobu. (Creative Commons)
Original Text 原文
一 念仏者事(文暦二 七 十四)
Modern 現代語
一つ、 念仏を唱える人について
Nenbutsu 念仏 is the Pure Land school practice of chanting Amida Buddha's name using the 6-character phrase namu Amida butsu 南無阿弥陀仏. The practice became widespread in the 10th century due in large part to proselytizing by the Tendai monk Kūya 空也 (903–972) and the writing of the Tendai monk Genshin 源信 (942–1017). The practice was fuelled by the prediction that the final age of the Dharma (mappō 末法) would start in 1052, and that during this degenerate time one's only hope of salvation was to pray fervently to Amida Buddha. ↩
Ho 保 were urban areas under the control of a magistrate (bugyōnin 奉行人). ↩