2006 Heian Kambun Workshop

Professor Eiichi Ishigami, University of Tokyo
Professor Joan Piggott, University of Southern California

Professor Eiichi Ishigami of the University of Tokyo Historiographical Institute, who specializes in the history of the Nara and Heian periods, led the workshop with Professor Joan Piggott of the USC History Department. The 2006 workshop focused on the reading, analysis, annotation, and translation of Heian Period (794-1180) materials. The primary language of the workshop was Japanese, but translation into English was also emphasized. Professor Ishigami gave an open lecture on the documents at the Shōsōin, a treasure storehouse connected with Tōdaiji, and what the documents revealed about the eighth century: The Shōsōin and Its Documents in the Eighth Century.


    1. Nihon kiryaku 12th month, 2nd year of Eikan (984)
    2. Ruiju sandai kyaku (selection)
    3. Ruiju fusensho (selection)
    4. Hokuzansho Noriyumi (selection)
    5. Ryo no gige Ishiki-ryo


Mikael Bauer, Kristina Buhrman, Robert Hewitt, Rieko Kamei, Sachiko Kawai, Christopher Mayo, Jesse Palmer, Matthew Robinson, Kevin Wilson, Ben Uchiyama